This week was spent working on the core features of our game to get a minimum playable product done as quickly as possible. This meant working on finalizing the character controls, beginning implementing the combat mechanics, working on level design, and more character animations.
Character controls were completed following the first week's progress, implementing the core functionality for the remaining abilities that weren't done in the first week; basic attacks, the spin attack, and the fireball. All the states and preliminary animation logic are implemented, all that remains is to replace the placeholder animations with the final sprites once they are complete.
Because we had completed most of the player movement in the first week, we also started working on the level design around the player's movement capabilities. The level design at the moment is an approximation of the player's movement and does not reflect the actual grid spaces that will be used in Unity. The entire map is being designed modularly, so that we can create and load rooms more efficiently when the map is being implemented. This modular system also allows us to design different sections of the map independently, before combining them into one big map. So far, only the introductory area is being developed to try to teach the player the core movement mechanics and gameplay loop.
Alongside the map, we began brainstorming ideas of enemies and their attacks to act as obstacles for the player to kill. We created a preliminary GDD to note down our ideas and to begin listing all the core features of the game inside a centralized repository for ease of access.
Finally, more animations have been worked on: the jump, spin attack, and run cycle animations.
Once all animations are complete, they will replace the placeholder animations in the Unity file.
Next week, we will continue working on the level design, character animations, and combat mechanics, implementing a dummy enemy template and adding hitboxes, damage, and knockback to the player. The boss design has been started and will be worked on in conjunction with these tasks. The goal is to have all core features implemented in Unity by the middle of next month so we can start building the final game.
Until next time, Sleep No More